Sabrina Shah British, b. 1986

Sabrina Shah expresses her artistic vision with a focus on portraying the extraordinary effort and resilience required for daily survival. In reflecting on her work, she contemplates whether her attraction to this theme stems from personal experiences of injury and recovery, as well as her identity as a woman. She realizes that each individual faces their unique constellation of setbacks, and the non-linear nature of progression serves as a reminder of the constant need to recharge, refuel, and persevere, akin to the Duracell Bunny.

In Sabrina's paintings, she incorporates imagery from cartoons, toys, and popular cultural ideas. Cartoons serve as symbolic representations of the human condition, while toys symbolize the importance of play, imagination, and progression. Her works aim to comment on the actions and behavioral systems within contemporary society, addressing the agitation, frantic pace, and rapid decision-making prevalent in our lives. Additionally, she explores the underlying motivations behind the concept of winning and questions whether there can be a win/win situation.