Jo Lewis British, b. 1967

Selected Exhibitions


‘Souffle’, Galerie Papiers d’Art, Paris: Group Show, curated by Yuri Lévy

‘A Room of One’s Own’, Irving Contemporary, Oxford, curated by Vanessa Lacey

Sarah Adams Gallery, Padstow, Cornwall

‘Nearly not there, actaully very’, Ken’s Artspace, London SE11, solo show


‘Between Two Rivers’, La Galérie Valérie Éymeric, Lyon, France, solo show

‘5+1’, La Villa Balthasar, Valence, France, group show

‘Eau’, SEE Galerie/ Galerie Faure Beaulieu, Paris, group show

‘Dialogue Printanier’, Galerie Papiers dArt, Paris: group show, curated by Yuri Lévy

‘Elemental’, Group Show Pop Up, London W11, curated by Yael Gordon


‘Au Jardin’, Galerie Papiers dArt, Paris: group show, curated by Yuri Lévy

‘Patience et Fulgurance,’ Galérie Valérie Eymeric, Lyon, France: group show

‘To the River’, M2 Gallery, London SE15: solo show, curated by Penny Skerret

‘M2 Artists:Recent Work’, ASC Gallery, London SE17: group show


‘Climate Change and the Ecological Emergency’, The Street Gallery, London NW1: group show
‘The Petri Dish Project’, Tebbs Contemporary, London E1: group show

‘Painting Open 2021’, No Format Gallery, London SE14: group show

‘I Didnt Lick It’, Bruton Correspondence Collective, Bruton: group show
‘Passing Through’, Back Lit Gallery, Nottingham: group show
‘Sonates,’ Galerie Papiers dArt, Paris: group show, curated by Yuri Lévy

‘Orbes’, Galerie Papiers dArt, Paris: group show

‘Flow’, Galerie Vitrine 65, Paris: solo show, curated by Frédéric Galliano

‘A Kind of Blue’, Galerie Vitrine 65, Paris: group show

Wave’, Maestro Arts, London SW18: solo show
‘Absolute Secret’, Royal College of Art, London, invited artist 2010-17
‘Sydenham Festival’, group show, curated by Mireille Galinou

‘London Seen’, City Hall, London SE1: group show
‘Shore’, HDR Architects, London SW1: solo show


‘Summer 2010’, Morton Metropolis Gallery, London W1:group show, curated by Serena Morton


2023:La Galérie Valérie Éymeric, France, residency ahead of solo show 

2022:Il Convento, Chamusca,Portugal, 2 week paid residency on banks of River Tagus

2017:Guangxi Art School, China: Arts Council UK, 4 week invited residency in South West China, including travel, research and exhibition
2015:Aldeburgh Music Festival, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 2 week interdisciplinary residency
2011:Westminster Academy, London, 3 week residency in secondary school


Commissions, Collaborations and Awards

2022-3: OWO Hotel, Whitehall, London SW1, commission for 9 large paintings for suites

2021: Stoney Lane Records, Artwork of Album cover, Ink on A Pinby Sara Colman

2021:Towards:Stillness,” presentation at Drawing Research Network conference on Temporal Drawing
2020: Visions of Science Award, shortlisted artist, University of Bath 

2020: Shortlisted for SSE (South Scottish Electric) Award for Environmental Artist

2019: H and H Hotels:Snustainable Bedroom Curated Collection painting commission
2018: La Mairie,Neuilly-sur-Marne, France, Artwork for permanent collection at Town Hall
2017: BT Financial Group Sydney, Australia, Artwork acquired for corporate London HQ
2017: Dulwich Picture Gallery, London: commissioned performance involving live drawing and dance in collaboration with Dane Jeremy Hurst, dancer and choreographer
2016: SCP Ltd, Seoul, South Korea: commissioned artwork for use as permanent installation on design of 44m glass frontage of flagship store, Beijing (installed 2017)

2016: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, London HQ, 12 painting large scale commisison
2013: Royal College of Music: London: Commissioned artwork for the permanent collection as part of the Benjamin Britten centenary


Selected Collections

22 Bishopsgate London; More London Collection of Contemporary Art; Royal College of Music, London; Ashtead Hospital, Surrey, UK; CityWire, London; Twickenham Stadium,London; Hermès UK; Ripple, USA; BT Financial Group Sydney, Australia



Leith School of Art, Edinburgh , Fime Art Foundation

University of Edinburgh, MA History of Art
École Régionale des Beaux- Arts, Valence, France, School of Painting


Press and Links 

Drawing Research Network, 2021 Symposium on Temporal Drawing (minutes 10-30 and then Q&A)

Drawing to Feel Good, A Collection of Drawings and Writings, edited by Chloe Briggs, Paris College of Art

The Guardian, 2019:
Dulwich Festival, interview:2017

CurrentAcademic Posts

Paris College of Art,Drawing Tutor, ongoing since 2019

London Film School, Visiting Lecturer, ongoing since 2012



Instagram: JoLewisart