Eugene Palmer British, b. 1955

Born in Kingston, 1955; lives and works in East Sussex UK


Selected solo exhibitions


2018                             James Hockey Gallery, University of The Creative Arts Farnham UK

2004                           Wolsey Art Gallery Ipwich UK

2000                          Threshold Gallery University of Bath UK

                                      Bonnington Gallery Nottingham UK

                                     Duncan Campbell Contemporary London UK

1999                           The Commonwealth Society London

1996                           Concord Gallery Boston USA

                                    Wolverhampton Art Gallery UK

                                    Duncan Campbell Contemporary London UK

1994                           Usher Gallery Lincoln UK

1993                           Norwich Art Gallery UK

1991                            Knapp Gallery London

1990                          198 Gallery London


Selected group exhibitions


2019                           Royal Academy Summer show UK

2018                           Chelsea College of Art’ Black Artists and Modernism

                                    Penwith Gallery St Ives UK London Group Show UK

2017                           The Towner Art Gallery East Sussex UK

2016                           Ben Uri Gallery. Unexpected; Continuing Narratives of Identity and Migration London UK

                                    Wolverhampton Art Gallery; Black Art in Focus

2005                         The Centre for African and Oriental Studies London UK

Institute of International Visual Arts London UK

                                     Wolverhampton Art Gallery, ‘My Generation’

2001                           ‘FOIL 3’ Touring exhibition Gallery Westland Place, Herbert Read Gallery and Falmouth College of Art

2000                          Norwich Art Gallery East and Riverside International UK

1999                           The Arnol Fini Gallery Bristol, ‘Pictures of Pictures’ UK

1998                           Stanley Picker Gallery ‘FOIL 2’ 

1997                           Caribbean cultural Centre, ‘Transforming the Crown’ New York USA


Eugene Palmer is represented by Ed Cross Gallery.